Embark on an interstellar journey with Anunnaki Space Invaders - a mobile game that transports you beyond the stars in a bid to uncover the fate of an eerily silent alien race. Following a historic UFO incident, humanity was brought face-to-face with the ebens, an advanced humanoid species. But now, all communications have ceased, and you must navigate to their homeworld to unravel the mysteries that await.
As you travel through space, prepare to battle a myriad of adversaries, including relentless space harvester robots that prey upon the life essence of sentient beings and the formidable gray aliens linked to countless human abductions throughout history. The enigma runs deeper with the Anunnaki race, whose involvement with human evolution is a puzzle you might solve.
The adventure offers a thrilling experience across three episodes, featuring over 160 levels full of suspense. Enhance your ship with upgraded shields, engines, and a vast arsenal of weapons. Additional improvements include special armaments that bring devastation to your foes and an expandable hull for extra firepower. Face off against an armada boasting 50 diverse enemy types and step into an adventure that entices both the curious and the brave.
The game serves as your gateway to a saga teeming with action and ancient secrets, assuring that your quests through the cosmos remain both engaging and challenging. Dive into an epic narrative and put your strategic skills to the test with Anunnaki Space Invaders, promising to be an unforgettable addition to your mobile gaming library.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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